Saturday, April 9, 2016

5 of the Best Colon Cleanses For Weight Loss

Best Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss

You might be wondering- is a colon cleanse really right for me?

Well, if you’ve experienced weight gain, bloating, gas, fatigue or poor digestion multiple times in the past month, then a colon cleanse might just be the right thing for you.

I do a colon cleanse once per year and while it’s not a super easy process, it’s definitely worth it.

I always lose weight, feel better, and look healthier after the detox process.

Now if you’ve never done any types of cleanses before, you might find some of the colon cleanses to be too extreme, and if you’re an experienced cleanse then you might find some of them to be too mild and pointless.

That’s why I went online and researched all of the best colon cleanses for weight loss so you don’t have to spend hours doing the research yourself.

Best Colon Cleanses Table?







Optimum Colon 14 Days Quick Cleanse


14 Days


2. Total Colon Care Advanced Detox and Cleanse


30-60 Days


Super Colon Cleanse

Super Colon Cleanse


30 Days


4. Total Colon Care 10 Day Rapid Cleanse for Colon Health


10 Days


5. Advanced Cleanse for Healthy Digestive System


20 Days


1. Optimum Colon: 14 Days Quick Cleanse

Optimum Colon 14 Days Quick Cleanse

This is hands down the best colon cleanse for weight loss out there.

It’s short, effective, and most people lose anywhere between 5-10 pounds during the 2 weeks, and most people keep off about half of the weight that they lose in the long term.

While this is a short and quick cleanse, you won’t have to sprint to the bathroom every hour.

I recommend taking this in the early morning, going to the bathroom in 20-30 minutes after taking it, and then continuing with your day.

You might have some urges to go throughout the day, but it won’t be an “I HAVE to go right now feeling.”

2. Total Colon Care: Advanced Detox & Cleanse with Digestive Enzymes

2. Total Colon Care Advanced Detox and Cleanse

This is one of the best colon cleanse products on the market, but I also love it because of their missions.

For every product you purchase from them, they’ll donate vitamins and minerals to a child or a mother in need for a year. By purchasing this products you can save someone’s life! Isn’t that amazing?

They also formulate and manufacture all of their products in the US so you don’t have to worry about the quality of the supplement or whether the product creation process is humane.

Now, does the product actually work?

Yes it does!

It’s not as aggressive as the Optimum Colon, so you won’t see a crazy amount of weight loss right away, but as you keep taking it you’ll notice that you’ll feel less bloated, and since a healthy colon helps you absorb more nutrients from food, you’ll notice that you’ll feel fuller after eating less.

3. Super Colon Cleanse

Super Colon Cleanse

This cleanse is incredibly effective and you can lose a lot of weight with them, but there’s only one problem.

The required dosage is 4 capsules 2 times per day, but that is just too effective.

So effective in fact, that you’ll be spending most of your day in the bathroom.

I recommend taking 2 capsules 2 times per day and seeing how it affects your body. If it’s too much, you can go down to 1 capsule in the morning and 2 capsules at night, and if you don’t see any noticeable changes after 1 week, slowly increase your dosage.

Make sure to drink more water than you usually do while cleansing. Otherwise you’ll be extremely dehydrated and you will feel like crap.

4. Total Colon Care: 10 Day Rapid Cleanse

4. Total Colon Care 10 Day Rapid Cleanse for Colon Health

This is yet another cleanse from NatureWise that will donate vitamins to a person in need for each bottle of their product you purchase.

Compared to their other product though, this one is a bit more aggressive (it’s a 10 day cleanse for a reason), and most people lose between 3-5 pounds of weight after the 10 days.

You’ll go to the bathroom 2-4 times per day when taking this product, and you’ll lose a lot of water so make sure to hydrate enough throughout the day.

Oh, it’s also manufactured and created in the US and it’s non-GMO, vegan, and gluten free if that matters to you. :)

5. Advanced Cleanse for Healthy Digestive System

5. Advanced Cleanse for Healthy Digestive System

The best part about this product is the no questions asked 60 day trial.

That means that you can buy it, try it out to see if it works for you, and if it doesn’t work, get the full refund even if you use up the whole bottle.

The good news is that it seems to work for most people, but if you’re in the small percentage of people who this product doesn’t work for, you’ll be able to easily get a refund for it!

After 1 or 2 days of taking it you should feel less bloated and healthier, and after 2 weeks-1 month you’ll feel the full benefits of cleansing your colon.


Before I say anything I’d just like to remind you to drink more water than you think you need when doing the cleanse.

You’ll lose a lot of water, and if you don’t drink enough you’ll suffer all of the unpleasant symptoms of dehydration.

A good rule of thumb is to drink 1.5 ounces of water for each pound of your weight or about 2 liters or half a gallon for most people.

I hope this was one of the best colon cleanser reviews you’ve ever read! :)

If you’ve finished reading this and you’re not sure if you should do a colon cleanse, I recommend you get rid of everything you think you know about it and simply trying it for 2 weeks.

If it doesn’t work, you’ll lose $20.

However, if it does work you’ll feel better, lose weight, and discover a new you.

Product Images Sourced From

The post 5 of the Best Colon Cleanses For Weight Loss appeared first on Blogtrepreneur - For Busy Entrepreneurs.

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