Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Which Body Weight Exercises Make for An Absolutely Awesome Body?

When you make the decision that you want to change your body, you probably don’t think about how effective body weight exercises can really be. For whatever reason people have somehow got it into their minds that you can’t get fit without weights and that’s simply not true. You may find that weights work well if you are focused on body building specifically, but that’s not necessarily the majority of people out there. This means that once you take the weights out of the equation, you can rely upon some really outstanding exercises that you can do from anywhere—and they will get you results!

There are some great body weight workouts that can help you to shed fat and burn muscle. Many people find that when they are just starting out they aren’t sure how to put together an effective routine. The good news is that you can turn to some already established workouts, such as those from Beachbody to help you in getting yourself up and running. As with anything else, the already established workouts can take you so far but may get tiresome after awhile.

Think of exercises that you love to perform without weights like skaters, jumping jacks, or push ups and then think of how to incorporate them into one effective workout. With different variations, these can slowly evolve into your entire regimen if you put in the time and effort. You will be hooked on these workouts, especially after you see how they can change your body and therefore this can start to take on a life of their own after awhile. Starting is the hardest part, and once you do you will find that these are great workouts that you can stick with.

Workout Level Time Product How it works Description What else you should know
Insanity Intermediate/Advanced 30 - 60 min Videos This workout uses your bodyweight so no equipment needed! The name says it! Not for the faint of heart there are 3 versions of the Insanity program: Insanity, Insanity MAX30 and Insanity Asylum. You get the results from the work that you put in, so work to the MAX to get the INSANE results. The Insanity workout programs use maximum intensity interval training to help you transform your body. In the MAX30 no weight workout, you push your body to the max to get the results you desire, while the Asylum helps your improve your performance. You will find what you are looking for in these bodyweight workouts by trainer Shaun T. Users love it as they see the Insane results they get from this killer workout. With the accompanying nutrition program you are sure to get the best sculpted body that you desire. You can expect your energy levels to be boosted while you gain muscle mass and burn fat. Be warned, you are expected to Dig Deeper each day that you perform the workout!
PX90 Beginner to Advanced 25 - 60 min Videos Total body training based on a combination of routines including cardio, body weight workouts, plyometrics, abs work, martial arts and yoga. The P90 version of Tony Horton's workout is a simple program for everyone looking to transform their body. Then there is P90X, P90X2 and P90X3 which are advanced total body training routines. PX90 is the original routine that is geared to getting you the ripped body you desire in 90 days. P90X2 uses Muscle Integration, a training technique that focuses on instability that forces you to burn more calories. On the other hand, P90X3 uses the Muscle Acceleration system, a highly structured, plateau-busting schedule that keeps your entire body challenged during the high intensity 30 minutes workout. This program incorporates a nutrition plan, so be prepared to change your eating habits and incorporate shakes. The routines are challenging but if you stick with it you would feel and see the effects.
Hard Corps Advanced 22 min Videos A bootcamp workout based on training used by the military. The Navy Seals perhaps? Tony Horton's Hard Corps is said to be an easy to follow, 22 min total body workout routine that challenges you to go where you have never gone before. The 8-week program is all about intensity! But at the end of it all you would appreciate the discipline and ripped body that you will have. Intensity to the MAX. A workout that can kick your butt, but the results can be worth it!
Never Gymless Beginner to Advanced You set your own schedule eBook This workout uses bodyweight exercises and calisthenics for strength, endurance and speed. A full body workout high intensity that incorporates isometric training, lower body and core workout. Not for the faint of heart. Some of the workouts use towels and thera-bands unlike most calisthenics workouts. Advanced variations of the workouts are described but it may leave the beginner wondering where to start and how the easier variations work.
The Pull-up Solution Beginner to Advanced you set it Videos But you need to make sure you have the best pull up bar Full body exercise videos that can be tailored to your individual needs based on the personalization guide included in the program. The charts provided help you structure the program based on your time constraints. Used by persons who have entered bodybuilding competitions, who are trying out for the military and regular folks. A comprehensive program that will get you doing perfect sets of dead hang pull ups within a month.




Product Type

How It Works


What Else


Intermediate / Advanced

Cell 1 / 3

Cell 1 / 4

Cell 1 / 5

Cell 1 / 6

Cell 1 / 7


Cell 2 / 2

Cell 2 / 3

Cell 2 / 4

Cell 2 / 5

Cell 2 / 6

Cell 2 / 7

Hard Corps

Cell 3 / 2

Cell 3 / 3

Cell 3 / 4

Cell 3 / 5

Cell 3 / 6

Cell 3 / 7

Never Gymless

Cell 4 / 2

Cell 4 / 3

Cell 4 / 4

Cell 4 / 5

Cell 4 / 6

Cell 4 / 7

The Pull-up Solution

Cell 5 / 2

Cell 5 / 3

Cell 5 / 4

Cell 5 / 5

Cell 5 / 6

Cell 5 / 7

There Are So Many Great Options To Choose From

You may just find that when you get started with weightless workouts you want to go for one that is already established. The reason being is that there are some great options to choose from. You can start with something simpler like Cize by Beachbody or if you want a real challenge to get you into this trend right from the start, then you may go for Insanity. There is truly something for everyone and you can do all of this without anything but the resistance of your own body. Truly that makes it such a great workout option and why so many people are getting in on the act!

Body weight training can be such an amazing way of improving your health, but also of getting the results that you are after. It’s not about fancy equipment or even the gym when it comes to getting fit and changing your body for the better. You can very easily add muscle, shed fat, get the heart rate up, improve your health, and feel so much better in the process by performing workouts without weights.

You won’t believe it until you try it but just try to make it through intervals that include mountain climbers, push ups, and fast feet and see how worn out you feel. Notice how quickly you add muscle tone and definition and you will find that these workouts quickly replace all of that time that you used to spend at the gym doing the same old thing. This is a classic way of working out, and yet it’s a new trend that is catching on because it gets you to where you want to go quickly and without the inconvenience of equipment too.

You Can Get Back To Basics and Change Your Body In Amazing Ways

You probably don’t realize just how many wonderful exercises that you open yourself up to in this category. There are some great body weight workouts, and they are all based upon fundamental basic movements that will change your body in a really big way. You probably skip past push ups or pull ups because you’re sure that it won’t help to change you in a big enough way—but that’s simply not the case.

You are going to find that no weight workouts can change you even more than hitting the gym and lifting for hours each day. Think of some of the movements that you did as a child and how much fun they were. Those same moves like inchworms, bear crawls, and even step ups can be amazing for changing your body as you get older. The reason is that these use your own body resistance to help you with that added resistance. They are much more challenging to perform at this point in your life, and they also ask many more muscles to get involved in the act.

There Are Some Great Workouts To Burn Fat and Add Muscle

One of the greatest misconceptions about body weight exercises is that you can’t get everything that you need out of them. The reality is that you can burn fat in a really effective way. You’re not just jumping on the treadmill and running mindlessly, but you are getting in cardio in a powerful way that uses just your body to make it happen. You may find that using an already established workout from a well established channel like Beachbody can help to give you all that you need. Some people need more of a challenge or wish for more variety, but start with something like Cize.

This is a hip hop dance workout, but it uses only the resistance of your body for some amazing toning as well as cardio. This may be a nice complement to some no weight workouts that you create on your own. You may wish to get insight from a personal trainer or as you gain more experience, you may find that you can come up with some on your own.

Be sure that you integrate cardio intervals such as jumping jacks, punches, and mountain climbers into the strength training component. You can perform dead lifts without weights and do perfectly fine, and still get the same effect. You can also add in explosive push ups or burpees that are both strength and cardio all at once—and you never have to pick up a weight or use any equipment at all to get to where you want to be! It sounds too good to be true, but it’s really not. That’s what makes these workouts so approachable and yet so very challenging to people of every fitness level.

You are powering these movements and you are burning calories, shedding fat, and ultimately setting yourself up for a much better starting point with your body so that you may add muscle. This is how you change your shape and therefore the cardio component, even in something like push ups, can really work wonders.

You have to also recognize that workouts without weights can really help you to feel the burn in a whole new way. No you’re not just bench pressing weights without any thought given to the process. You are performing exercises like dead lifts, variations of push ups, pull ups, and planks. This is a different way to work the muscles, but it’s going to give you some amazing results. The reason is that you are going deep into the muscle and you are using the resistance of your body to make it happen. You are going to notice changes much faster, and it’s going to keep your attention much more easily as well.

Create A Challenging Routine That Gives You Everything That You Want

You can keep weightless workouts interesting so that you stay motivated. You can find a way to create a routine that features all of the movements that will give you true value, and yet are motivating and even fun to perform. You might not think that’s possible, but wait until you get started and see for yourself! These workouts have a lot of value behind them because they incorporate both fat burning and cardio as we’ve mentioned.

They can also be way more interesting and effective than just hitting the gym for an hour doing the same old thing. No two workouts have to be the same, and they are convenient enough workouts to perform from nearly anywhere. This is all great news for you in the end because you get great results and you can actually look forward to and enjoy working out—that’s how you stay motivated and keep with it!

What you want to keep in mind in creating your own body weight training vs. using an established one is that you must be sure that there is always a challenge. When you use an already established and celebrated routine such as one of the Beachbody workouts, the guess work is done. You can turn to something like T-25 and know that these workouts use the resistance of your body and are highly effective.

They give you something very specific to work off of, and they also help you to get results that are celebrated by many. This doesn’t mean that creating your own workout can’t work just as well, but the convenience of something like a Beachbody workout has some great merit to it in this respect.

There’s No One Size Fits All

The beauty of body weight exercises is that they are convenient and you can perform them from anywhere. They can be catered to the specific needs that you have at that point in time, your fitness level, or even some specific issue that you want to focus on. You can find some great options out there such as Turbofire which take you through some exercises that are going to push you hard and force your body to change. The nice thing about using one of these home workout programs from Beachbody is that the guide tells you exactly what to do. These can work well, but you may also get to a point where you need something more.

Try to integrate in other exercises to continue to keep the body guessing. A great thing about body weight workouts is that they have a great deal of complexity and versatility to them. If you are crunched for time then you can get in a quick 20 minute workout that challenges you and gets it done quickly. If you have more time then you can get into the nitty gritty and really add more toning and cardio to it.

You don’t need any weights to add muscle tone and definition to your body, and that’s a great bonus as well. You may find that doing these home workouts that you make up on your own or that you find a great option for can keep things interesting and keep you motivated as well. Try starting out with one of the established home workouts even if it’s 10 Minute Workouts for a good starting point to get into the wonderful world of working out without weights. Then try to take some cues from this and get creative—for it is the flexibility and the constantly changing workouts that will keep you motivated with these workout plans moving forward!

You will be amazed at how much you can gain from workouts without weights. You can still perform some of the same types of movements like dead lifts but you don’t need anything but the resistance of your own body to make them work for you. Think of just movements like sit ups, push ups, and pull ups and how many variations and different approaches that you can take to them.

You can get started with a well established home workout such as through Beachbody, but then you may wish to create your own. This can keep up with your changing needs, and also ensure that you remain interested. You will find that cardio and toning intervals work well in combination to change your body—and this is the very essence of these types of workouts in the end. These are unlike anything else that you have done and you will be truly amazed at how your body changes as a result of all of the variety.

The post Which Body Weight Exercises Make for An Absolutely Awesome Body? appeared first on Blogtrepreneur - For Busy Entrepreneurs.

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