Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Best Tasting Detox Cleanse Recipes

I love doing cleanses. They make me feel better and I can always feel my body working better after each cleanse.

However, shelling out money on already prepared juices, smoothies, and other products isn’t for everyone.

Investing in your health is great, but there’s always a cheaper way of doing it- make everything yourself!

There’s plenty of other detox cleanse recipes out there, but there’s one big problem that most of them have- they don’t taste that great.

Whole Body Detox Cleanse

That’s why I decided to write this post.

I didn’t want to make a list of cleansing recipes.

I wanted to make a list of good-tasting recipes.

See the difference? :)

The Basics

What type of cleanse should you do?

You could do a colon cleanse, or a liver cleanse, a smoothie, juice, or many other different types of cleanses.

It’s hard to figure out which one you should do if you’re a beginner, but here’s my answer- do a whole body combo cleanse.

There’s no point in doing specific organ cleansing if the rest of your body doesn’t get better.

For a whole body cleanse I recommend drinking a juice in the morning, drinking smoothies throughout the day, and finishing off with a solid, but clean dinner.

You can also take 1 pill of a colon and liver cleanse supplement every morning if you want to do a true full body cleanse.

How long should you cleanse for?

Depending on how extreme your cleanse is, it should last anywhere between 3 days to 2 weeks.

If you’re doing a fully liquid cleanse and this is your first one, try doing it for 3 days.

If you’re doing the combo cleanse, you can try it out for 7 days and if there are no side-effects, extend it to 14 days.

The Recipes

Quick note before we start: you can always change up the order of the recipes and mix up the breakfast, lunch, and dinner food choices. The following recipes are meant to be used as a guideline to create your own cleanse.


The Simple Juice:

I like preparing this the night before so I can drink it right after waking up.

It tastes great, is very simple to make, and it helps fight off hunger for an hour or so.

  • 1 cup of water

  • 2 tablespoons of honey

  • 2 tablespoons of real lemon juice

Put the ingredients in the cup of water, mix them well, and put them in the fridge or by your bed for immediate consumption upon waking up.

Sweet Coalescence (Courtesy of Karen)

Detox Cleanse recipe Green Apple

This is a great tasting juice that is also very simple to make.

You need:

  • 1 green apple

  • A handful of strawberries

  • ½-1 lemon (depending on how sour the strawberries are)

  • ½ inch piece of finger root

Throw everything into your juicer (if you don’t have one you can get my recommendations here).

I usually dilute it with water half and half, but Karen also recommends straining the juice if you’re doing a full juice fast.

Ultimate Green Juice (Courtesy of Culture-ist)

This juice tastes a bit worse than the ones above, but it’s still fairly easy to make and it’s very healthy so I couldn’t avoid putting it in this post.

You need:

  • 1 bunch of celery

  • 4-5 kale leaves

  • 1 green apple

  • 1 handful of parsley leaves

  • ½-1 lime

  • ½-1 lemon

  • 1 inch of fresh ginger

Once again just chuck it all in a juicer and drink it up.


I wanted to avoid calling this section lunch, but that’s technically what it is.

If you’re doing a smoothie or a combo fast, then you won’t be doing one big lunch every day.

Instead you can consume smoothies every 2-3 hours which will be your lunch.

Here are my favorite lunch weight loss cleanse recipes:

All About The Berries (Courtesy of Bembu)

I loooooveee this smoothie!

You need:

  • 1 ½ -2 cups of berries (I usually do blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries)

  • ½ cup coconut milk

  • 1 cup water

  • ? cup rolled oats

Blend everything and drink. Very easy!

Kale It Up (Courtesy of Bembu)

Detox Cleanse Recipe- Green Smoothie

Another green smoothie.

Personally I don’t like the taste of kale, but the apple overpowers it and gives it a nice, consumable taste.

  • 1 handful of kale

  • ½ green apple

  • 1 cup coconut water

Toss it into your blender and enjoy.

Green Protein (Courtesy of Audrey)

It’s important to consume some protein while doing a cleanse and this smoothie is perfect for it!

  • ½ unsweetened almond milk

  • 1 tablespoon almond butter

  • 1 banana

  • 2 cups mixed greens (kale, spinach, chard, etc)

Mix it up, blend it up, drink it up.


For dinner you can eat something more solid like a salad, a piece of raw fruit or vegetables, or soup broth.

Crunchy Chicken with Orange Mustard Vinaigrette Dressing

Weight loss cleanse recipe Crunchy Chicken Orange Mustard Recipe

This is one of my favorite salads I’ve ever eaten.

Audrey is truly a great chef.

You need:

  • 2 cups mixed greens

  • 2 cups baby spinach

  • 1 cup shaved brussels sprouts

  • Parts of one orange

  • ½ avocado

  • 1 teaspoon hemp seeds

  • 1 teaspoon roasted almonds

  • 1 teaspoon raw pumpkin seeds

  • ½ cooked chicken, chopped

For the dressing:

  • 1 teaspoon olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

  • 1 teaspoon of maple syrup

  • Juice from 1 orange

  • 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar

  • 1 garlic clove

  • ½ shallot

  • Ground pepper

Mix it all up and get a huge salad that you can eat guilt-free anytime, anywhere.

You can also check out the soup broth recipes found here.


There’s tons of great natural detox cleanse recipes out there, but many of them don’t taste great.

I guarantee that the ones above are amazing though. :)

Another quick note for the cleanse: try drinking more water than usual. It will keep you from feeling too hungry, and you’ll also feel much better.

If you don’t feel like cooking all of your products for the cleanse, you can check out my favorite juice cleanses here.

You can always mix up the purchased cleanse products with your own cooking. The opportunities are endless!

The post The Best Tasting Detox Cleanse Recipes appeared first on Blogtrepreneur - For Busy Entrepreneurs.

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