Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What are the Different Types of Kayaks to Consider for Kayaking?

The term kayak conjures different images for different people. For some, kayaking is associated with excitement and adventure, while for others, the word kayak evokes images of peace, tranquility, and serenity. The reason for the different sorts imagery associated with kayaks is the existence of so many different types of kayaks, each used for a specific purpose.

In this article, you will discover some of the most common categories of kayaks that you can find in the market. Each of the kayaks mentioned here comes with features that make it suitable for a specific scenario. Understanding the types of kayaks available in the market will help you in selecting the types of kayaking that best suits your needs and requirements.

1. Touring Kayaks

Touring kayaks are made especially for kayaking in inland and coastal waters. This type of kayaking is usually opted for by individuals looking for adventure. It is best suited for the causal kayaker who wants to enjoy paddling in the tranquil waters of the lakes, rivers, and protected coastal areas. The best touring kayaks comes with design features that result in added stability and speed while moving through the waters.

A unique aspect of the touring kayaks is that they are shorter in size as compared to other types. The relatively short size of the kayaks makes them easier to handle and maneuver in the water. Moreover, they have relatively larger cockpits with improved thigh braces those results in greater control when moving in the water. The wide cross section shape of touring kayaks provides greater stability and control.

Individuals riding a touring kayak can explore the surrounding areas in a more relaxed, comfortable, and fun manner. Many recreational kayaks come with a more supportive backrest than other kayaks within the same range, resulting in greater comfort, especially when covering longer distances. Some touring kayaks also come with foot operated rudders that offers greater assistance when out in choppy or high wind conditions.

2. Fishing Kayaks

Another common kayak that you can find in the market is the fishing kayak. These kayaks, as the name itself suggests, are used mostly for fishing. What makes fishing kayaks better than fishing boats is that they can take individuals to places like reefs, kelp beds, shallow rivers and lakes, mangrove swamps, places that can't typically be accessed through a powered boat.

You can find two types of fishing kayaks: stock and rigged models. The stock model fishing kayaks have to be manually retrofitted for fishing. Contrarily, the rigged model come factory fitted with rod holders, storage, and kayak milk crate. Moreover, they might also come with such items as kayak fishing crate, net holders, and other fishing gears.

Fishing kayaks are of a somewhat similar design to touring kayaks. However, they come with higher levels of lateral stability that offers the much needed support during fishing. The fishing kayaks are usually wider as compared to other kayaks that adds to the stability of the kayaks, and they usually come with a kayak crate bonus.

3. Inflatable Kayaks

The third common kind of kayak is the inflatable kayaks. These kayaks are inflatable, making them highly portable. You can put the inflatable kayak in a convenient carry bag and take it to the intended kayaking destination. The inflatable kayaks can be either inflated with hand, foot or electric pumps. Quality inflatable model feature a heavy duty fabric that can withstand the rigors of the day (or night) experienced during kayaking.

4. Sea Water Kayaks

Sea water kayaks are suitable for all types of waters, but they are designed specially to endure salty seawater. These kayaks are different than other kinds of kayaks in that they boast of more efficient hill and straight tracking. This makes them appropriate for covering long distances and traversing open crossing. Sea water kayaks have relatively reduced maneuverability but this is adequately compensated by good edging properties; professional kayakers can appreciate this distinction fully. Sea kayaks may also come with skegs or rudders that allow enhanced straight line tracking.

5. Whitewater Kayaks

These kayaks are the best when you intend to take on swiftly moving waters with large rapids. The kayaks are generally made of high quality plastic material and are a bit shorter than other kinds of kayaks. Modern whitewater kayaks feature a design that makes them highly maneuverable in rapid waters, although the same design makes them slower when moving over long distances. Now you know the basic kayak designs to consider during your first kayak purchase.


Now that you have understood the different kind and variety of kayaks, you will not face much difficulty when selecting a kayak for your needs. Selecting the right type of kayak that is appropriate for its intended use is important if you want to fully enjoy the kayaking adventure. Just make sure that you know the basics of kayaking and know how to handle the kayaks well in different types of conditions.

The post What are the Different Types of Kayaks to Consider for Kayaking? appeared first on Blogtrepreneur - For Busy Entrepreneurs.

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