Saturday, April 9, 2016

Blueprint Cleanse Review- My Experience and Results

Blueprint renovation cleanse review

The BluePrint cleanse is a very popular juice cleanse with a wide range of options.

They have 1, 2, and 3 day programs for those who are planning on doing their first juice cleanse, and for those who have tried numerous juice cleanses already and are looking for an intense cleanse with effects that they can feel.

They also have very catchy names: invigoration, renovation, foundation, excavation, and inspiration.

I decided to do a 3 day renovation cleanse as I’m not a complete beginner, but I’m also not advanced enough to do the other cleanses.

Here’s my official Blueprint juice cleanse review! Let’s get right into it!


When checking out a juice cleanse there a couple things I look at.

First of all- is the product worth the price? Some products are crazy expensive and you can make it at home easily, while other products are expensive, but worth every single penny that you spend on it.

Second, I look at the results. How much weight did I lose, how much better do I feel after the cleanse, and are there any side effects from the cleanse?

I also look at how sustainable the weight-loss is, how easy it is to stick with the program, and how many other people have tried doing the same cleanse.

Product Overview

Blueprint Inspiration Cleanse

The Blueprint cleanse is a 1-6 day cleanse with multiple levels of “difficulty” for different people.

Their basic Invigoration cleanse lasts for a maximum of 3 days and is designed for someone who is just getting into the world of cleansing and who doesn’t want to drink tasteless goo in order to be healthy.

The next step up is the Renovation option. This is the one I used. It has more “green” drinks than the invigoration cleanse and is meant for someone who already tried juice detoxes before.

The Foundation cleanse is an even healthier version of the cleanse, and the excavation and the Inspiration versions are for those who are extremely dedicated to being healthy. (Not recommended for beginners!)

All of the products except for the Inspiration are available for purchase online.

Pros and Cons

Now let’s talk about Renovation, my experiences with it, and whether you should try it out and see if it’s a good fit for you.

First of all, let’s talk about the taste.

There are 6 total bottles I had to drink per day consisting of 5 different flavors.

I started the day off with a bottle of green juice which tastes a lot like celery. I didn’t enjoy it too much, but it wasn’t terrible.

Next I drank the Pineapple/Apple/Mint juice and that actually tasted great.

After that came another bottle of green juice followed by a bottle of spicy lemonade.

The lemonade wasn’t too bad, but I’d rather drink the PAM flavor.

Next I had to drink the Carrot/Apple/Beet one, and while I’m not against beets, the earthly flavor is definitely noticeable.

To finish off the day I drank the cashew milk which actually tasted great. It was like a dessert.

Blueprint Cleanse Review

Now you might be wondering: how much weight did she lose?

Well, in the 3 day span I was able to shed around 6 pounds which isn’t bad.

However, I regained a large part of the weight within a week which shows that this wasn’t as effective as I was hoping it would be.

I did feel more energetic and healthier during the cleanse, and the mental benefits were also noticeable. I feel more confident in myself, and I now realize that I might not need as much food as I thought I did.

It seems that my results were pretty common.

The cleanse makes you feel great while doing it, and you lose weight, but most people regain the weight fairly quickly after stopping the cleanse.

I’m sure that you could keep some of the weight off if you do a partial cleanse around the year, but I prefer doing two cleanses a year and not worrying about it for the rest of the time. You might be different!


All in all I think the cleanse isn’t worth it.

Sure, it made me feel great while doing it, and I saw some weight loss, but I regained most of the weight back after stopping it.

You can look at some other Blueprint cleanse reviews, but it shouldn’t take you long to see that most people don’t like it.

It’s a great way to try out juice cleansing to see if it’s a good fit for you, but personally I prefer the Purium cleanse as a way of losing weight.

It’s a 10 day cleanse, but after completing it I actually ended up keeping most of the weight off instead of regaining it all back within a week.

The post Blueprint Cleanse Review- My Experience and Results appeared first on Blogtrepreneur - For Busy Entrepreneurs.

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